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New Studio Equipment

Kay Carney

Welcome back to classes and workshops. Exciting news - my kiln area of my studio has been extended by my lovely son so now I have a more enclosed area to store everything we need and after an interesting and exhausting assembly I have been using my much needed and valuable addition to my little studio - a Venco Slab Roller. Let me just say that there are special people in the world who create assembly instruction manuals - and Venco is not one of them. I regard myself as a pretty logical and switched on woman - and I have also assembled a lot of furniture over the years - but the instructions and minute photos did not make for an easy project. All that aside - I finally got it all together and began using it straight away.

The slab roller is already proving to be a great addition especially for larger pieces of slab work pottery. We are now able to roll larger blocks of clay into perfect thicknesses suitable for hand building. I am loving it as it saves so much time and heart ache and the end results are much better. Many thanks to Arts Tasmania for giving artists help and assistance by supplying grants for equipment. I am one happy potter - and so are my students.

So if you are still thinking about joining a class or a workshop - now is a great time as I have listed some forward planning workshops on the website. Register your interest if you want to save a space.



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