Well the year 2020 was always going to go down as one to remember - but I'm sure that none of us expected it to be as memorable as it has proved to be.
All things aside - there has been some interesting and amazing things that have happened already this year - and I'm sure you will agree that life as we knew it has changed forever. Personally, rather than be afraid of what may or may not be in store - I have relished in the total freedom of being forced to be confined to my home and surrounds. Like many I have spoken to, a lot of people have enjoyed their lockdown time. Many expressed how it was not FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) anymore - but JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) has taken its place and that a life pared back to the basics is nowhere near as scary as it all first seemed. Like most Tasmanians, I know that we are blessed to be living in this paradise and I would quite happily cast adrift from our fellow mainland states and become a republic, but that will never happen - regardless how large and deep our moat is.
I have also discovered that it is much better for my soul to work with what I can do, what I can control and how I react to these outside influences. Simplistic - I know - but definitely do-able. I know that a lot of people are doing it tough - and there may be very tough times ahead - but I'm just going to deal with what I can do to survive that time when and if it comes. I can now see my family and friends - and I'm lucky because they are mostly all in this fabulous state we live in. I can work from home or in my studio, making art that feeds my creative soul, and whether that art is good or so-so - it is still art and it still makes me feel much better than not creating anything at all.
This also allows me to share with others what I have learned from a lifetime of making art, and this gives me great pleasure. To see someone arrive at one of my workshops and explain that they've never done anything like this before, or they are rubbish at drawing, painting, or making - and then to see them leave with a very proud look of achievement on their faces as they gather up the things they have crafted, is so rewarding.
I try to look at things from a beginners point of view - how am I going to do this? Where do I start? How do I start? These are the first questions I ask myself today when I begin a new piece or prep a new canvas. I have a kinda direction that I want to head in and a sorta idea of where I want to end - but often the middle bit is what scares me the most. And not everything turns out great - like most artists I have a studio of half finished projects that didn't end well - one day I may resurrect them or just start over - who knows? So nobody and no project is perfect all the time. We just don't show our disasters - well not until they get to that place where they take on a new direction.
So the one thing I have done over this down time is work on my business and my art practice. I have made it a priority to spend some quality time on my business - things I automatically do for my clients. So I now have some BIG news - I have finally got around to adding a SHOP to my website which now promotes my original artworks, limited edition prints and also a series of cards. This as been something that I have been meaning to do for a long time and thanks to Covid lockdown - I have finally done it. It is a relief to have things loaded up and working - now I just have to get it 'out there' - and I'm hoping that you all might help me do that. I believe in supporting Tasmanian businesses and I am proud to say that i have all my printing done right here in Hobart. Another business I would like to support is the collective of creatives at Peppercorn Gallery in Richmond - all very clever Tasmanians. I have a range of some of my ceramics, prints, cards and paintings at this gallery.
So next time you are out and about - support local business as much as possible.
In closing I will be advertising some pre Christmas workshops - I have been asked to do a couple of ceramic one or two day workshops. I have a handmade card workshop on the list, using simple designs to make beautiful personalised cards for any occasion, and a hand printed card workshop as well. So stay posted and these workshops will be advertised early September - which is less than 2 weeks away!